After Surgery

After your surgery, you’ll be transferred to our well-equipped post-operative care area, where our anesthesia and nursing teams will monitor your recovery closely. The duration of your stay in recovery can vary, but typically, patients are ready to go home within one to three hours.

Once You’re Back Home

Your surgeon will give you specific instructions on diet, rest, and medication management after the procedure. You’ll also receive a written summary of these guidelines from us.

It’s important to arrange for someone to be with you for the first 24 hours after you return home. Use this time to take it easy and allow yourself to be looked after.

Given the common after-effects of anesthesia, which often include drowsiness, we advise delaying the following activities for 24 hours post-discharge:

  • Driving or operating any machinery 
  • Signing legal documents or making binding decisions
  • Engaging in significant decision-making
  • Consuming alcohol

If you still have questions after you have read this information, Please do not hesitate to call us at (407) 254-2549.

After Surgery

What to Know

Before Surgery

Day of Surgery

After Surgery