Financial Services
Orlando Orthopaedic Outpatient Surgery Center will verify your health insurance benefits prior to surgery and bill your carrier following your procedure. Estimated patient responsibility of co-pay portions, deductibles, and/or out-of-pocket fees are expected on the day of surgery.
We accept cash, credit cards, and personal checks. We also are able to offer financing of your portion of the bill through Care Credit, an organization established for this purpose. If you are unable to pay your portion of the bill, we may be able to set up a payment plan. Discounts or cash pay prices may be offered if you do not have insurance or if your procedure is not covered by your plan.
Charity care is offered on a limited basis and you must qualify by completing the Financial Assistance/Charity Application which will be provided upon request.

Collection Procedures
As a courtesy to our patients, we will file an insurance claim on behalf of the patient to his/her insurance plan. A patient is expected to respond to his/her insurance plan’s request for information timely, as needed, to minimize processing delays with the claim.
Patients are expected to pay their financial obligations in a timely manner including the estimated portion by the day services are received, and any remaining portion upon finalization of the claim by the payer. Unpaid claims by the payer may result in the account’s outstanding balance being fully transferred to the patient for collection.
If needed, the center will attempt to reach a patient by any method available to us to secure payment on the outstanding balance utilizing internal and external resources. If the account becomes delinquent, it may be placed with an attorney or collection agency for collection in which their fees and expenses may be the obligation of the patient.